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New Blog, New Beginnings

Welcome to my new blog, Meg Bateman – Social Media Strategist! This is a new outlet for me to help others with their most pressing social media & blogging problems.
At the beginning of this year, I decided I needed to find a new balance in my life between running two businesses and making time to really enjoy life. One of the things that stood out to me was being able to help more people with the knowledge that I’ve acquired over the years. I only have so much time for regular clients and coaching calls, I needed to find a way to help more people with the time I do have.

That left several options – blog, e-courses, webinars, ebooks, printables, newsletters, etc – and starting a new blog was the easiest one to start with! Until I figure out a new routine, posts will probably be sporadic. I already managed to pump one post out to help clear up some false rumors about Facebook changes that friends and clients were worried about. Chances are, there will be many more posts like that – plus lots of tips and tricks.

If you’re one of the maybe three people reading this – don’t hesitate to drop me a line and let me know whatever pressing questions you have that I might be able to answer in a blog post or v-log.

About Meg Bateman

After many years working as a Virtual Assistant and Graphic Designer, I now exclusively work as a Social Media Strategist and serve all your web presence needs.


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